Good afternoon readers,
Over the last couple of months we have had a number of inquiries asking if we publish light novels. The answer is an emphatic: YES!
We do publish light novels, though currently we are in the middle of slush pile reading a few of them and have one that is in the editing phase. Now, one thing we would like to point out is that this website is not one for you to publish your light novels on, like you would on say, Webnovel. Instead, we are a small press that publishes anthologies and light novels.
What does that mean for you and your dreams of publishing a light novel?
Well, it means that you would have to submit a query to us, including the first three chapters of your finished manuscript, a synopsis no more than three paragraphs long, and a brief blurb about you and your experience with links to your writer platform.
Once we get that, it goes into our slush pile where our slush pile readers will take their time to read over it. If they like what they see, we will request the rest of your manuscript. After reading that, you will be sent an approval or rejection.
One thing that we will do if you are rejected is to pass your manuscript on to publishers we think your manuscript may do better. (with your permission of course) This generally happens if your themes/story/etc aren't a good fit for Armoured Fox Press. We have had some good success with some of the light novels we have gotten finding homes at other publishers, and are always glad to help.
If we accept your light novel, you will receive a contract for your review and then begins the long, fun process of editing.
So there you have it.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to fill out the contact form and give us a shout. Please be advised that it is NOT a chat program and that any response you get will not be instantaneous. If you supply an email, we will respond to your email address with a response.
Hope that helps!